Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s decision on Desktop Appraisals is Transformative for the Industry

Over the recent years the GSEs have been adapting their policies to embrace appraisal modernization driven by data and digitization. The objective is to introduce efficiencies into the appraisal process – decrease turn times, deal with reducing appraiser capacity, and handle increasing mortgage activity without compromising on the risk in the lending process. As you would expect, the industry is harnessing the power of data and new technologies to achieve this optimization in the appraisal workflows and valuation alternatives.

Among the various steps the GSEs have concretely taken thus far, the change to accept desktop appraisals for certain categories of loans is certainly the most impactful in modernizing the mortgage origination process. A good number of appraisals are expected to fit the eligibility criteria which includes one-unit principal residence and an LTV of less than or equal to 90%. 

The ability to optimize the creation of a desktop appraisal hinges on two key capabilities: (a) access to accurate, current, and comprehensive property and listing data and (b) access to floor plans of the property including interior walls, not sketches from county records which may only show exterior walls.

Get started on Desktop Appraisals with 

PropMix has been on a journey with our valuation platform – – for the last several years to help appraisers with highly accurate and transparent data, insights, and solutions with the sole objective of simplifying the work of the appraiser and accelerating the appraisal process. 

Profet downloads MLS data from across the country at 15-minute intervals and combines them with public record property data to generate important valuation insights that can be directly embedded into appraisal forms. These automated insights include:

  • Similarity Scoring of Properties to simplify finding comparable sales / listings
  • Inventory Analysis for the neighborhood use for comp search
  • Present Land Use percentages in the subject’s neighborhood
  • Price and Age ranges of One-Unit or Condo housing in the subject’s neighborhood
  • Local Market Trends – 25+ indicators including Median Sales to List Ratios, Absorption Rates, Days On Market, etc.
  • Regression models to quickly find adjustments values

We have also partnered with Capture to integrate floor plans and home inspections into our valuation platform,, and have been supporting desktop appraisals. 

And finally, look out for an announcement soon about our sketch and floor plan offerings to accelerate desktop appraisals.

We feel fortunate to be contributing to the shift in the industry to transformative approaches in the appraisal process. Our singular goal is to improve the productivity of every appraiser and at the same time reduce the risk in the valuations they deliver.