Appraisal order import instructions

CSV field name and data types are 

CSV FieldName DataType Description
orderId Text Mandatory and should be unique
orderSubType Allowed Values for order sub type
orderPriority Allowed Values for order priority
streetAddress Text
unitNumber Text
city Text
state Text Provide Two letter state code
zip Text Provide ZipCode
county Text
bifurcated Boolean Yes/No
orderFee Number Mandatory and should be an Number or decimal value
orderDueDate Date DateFormat is YYYY-MM-DD
propertyType Allowed Values for property type
propertySubType Allowed Values for property sub type
primaryBorrowerFirstName Text Mandatory
primaryBorrowerLastName Text Mandatory
primaryBorrowerEmail Text Mandatory and provide valid email
primaryBorrowerPreferredPhone Number
inspectionType Allowed Values for inspection type Mandatory for bifuracted order
loanNumber Text Mandatory
loanProduct Allowed Values for loan product Mandatory
transactionType Allowed Values for transaction type Mandatory
fhaCaseNumber Text Mandatory
paymentOption Allowed Values for paymentOption Mandatory
feeOfferedToProvider Number Applicable only for bifuracted order and should be an integer or decimal
feeOfferedToInspector Number Applicable only for bifuracted order and should be an integer or decimal


Should be unique

* Mandatory Field


DateFormat for dueDate in YYYY-MM-DD

Eg: 2024-07-01

OrderPriority Allowed Values

Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding orderPriority in csv

Allowed Value in CSV

OrderSubType Allowed values

Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding orderSubType in csv

OrderSubType Allowed Value in CSV
1004 – Single Family (FRE 70) 1004SFR
1004 – Single Family w/ 1007 Rent Schedule (FRE 70 + 1000) 1004SFR1007
1007 – Rent Schedule (standalone) (FRE 1000) 1007RS
1025 – Multi-Family (2-4 Units) (FRE 72) 1025MF
1073 – Condominium (FRE 465) 1073Condo
1073 – Condominium w/ 1007 Rent Schedule (FRE 465 + 1000) 1073Condo1007
1004 Hybrid – Single Family (FRE 70H) 1004Hybrid
1004 Desktop – Single Family (FRE 70D) 1004Desktop
1004C – Manufactured Home (FRE 70B) 1004C-MH
Appraisal Update / Completion Report (FRE 442) 1004D
1075 – Exterior-Only Inspection Indvidual Condo Unit Appraisal Report (FRE 466) 1075Ext
2000 – One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review (FRE 1032) 2000SF
2055 – Exterior-Only Inspection Residential Appraisal Report 2055SF
2000A – 2-4 Units Residential Appraisal Field Review (FRE 1072) 2000A
2006 – Desk Review 2006Desk
2090 – Individual Cooperative Interest Appraisal Report 2090Coop
2095 – Exterior-Only Individual Cooporative Interest Appraisal Report 2095Coop
Evaluation Evaluation
Property Data Report PDR
Broker Price Opinion BPO

PropertyType Allowed Values

Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding propertyType in csv

Allowed Value in CSV

PropertySubType Allowed Values

Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding propertySubType in csv

PropertySubType Allowed Value in CSV
Single Family Residence SFR
Townhome TH
Condominium Condo
Manufactured Home MfgHome
2-4 Family 2To4Family

InspectionType Allowed Values

Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding inspectionType in csv

InspectionType Allowed Value in CSV
Exterior Only ExteriorOnly
Exterior and Interior ExteriorInterior
Floor Plan Only FloorPlanOnly
Drive By DriveBy
None None

TransactionType Allowed Values

Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding transactionType in csv

Allowed Values in CSV

Loan Product Allowed Values

Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding loanProduct in csv
Allowed Values in CSV

PaymentOption Allowed Values

Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding paymentOption in csv

paymentOption Allowed Value in CSV
Lender Pays LenderPays
Borrower Pays Now BorrowerPaysNow
Borrower Pays at Closing BorrowerPaysAtClosing
Split Payment – Lender + Borrower SplitPayment
No Fee is Applicable NotApplicable