Appraisal order import instructions
CSV field name and data types are
CSV FieldName | DataType | Description |
orderId | Text | Mandatory and should be unique |
orderSubType | Allowed Values for order sub type | |
orderPriority | Allowed Values for order priority | |
streetAddress | Text | |
unitNumber | Text | |
city | Text | |
state | Text | Provide Two letter state code |
zip | Text | Provide ZipCode |
county | Text | |
bifurcated | Boolean | Yes/No |
orderFee | Number | Mandatory and should be an Number or decimal value |
orderDueDate | Date | DateFormat is YYYY-MM-DD |
propertyType | Allowed Values for property type | |
propertySubType | Allowed Values for property sub type | |
primaryBorrowerFirstName | Text | Mandatory |
primaryBorrowerLastName | Text | Mandatory |
primaryBorrowerEmail | Text | Mandatory and provide valid email |
primaryBorrowerPreferredPhone | Number | |
inspectionType | Allowed Values for inspection type | Mandatory for bifuracted order |
loanNumber | Text | Mandatory |
loanProduct | Allowed Values for loan product | Mandatory |
transactionType | Allowed Values for transaction type | Mandatory |
fhaCaseNumber | Text | Mandatory |
paymentOption | Allowed Values for paymentOption | Mandatory |
feeOfferedToProvider | Number | Applicable only for bifuracted order and should be an integer or decimal |
feeOfferedToInspector | Number | Applicable only for bifuracted order and should be an integer or decimal |
Should be unique
* Mandatory Field
DateFormat for dueDate in YYYY-MM-DD
Eg: 2024-07-01
OrderPriority Allowed Values
Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding orderPriority in csv
Allowed Value in CSV |
Normal |
High |
Rush |
OrderSubType Allowed values
Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding orderSubType in csv
OrderSubType | Allowed Value in CSV |
1004 – Single Family (FRE 70) | 1004SFR |
1004 – Single Family w/ 1007 Rent Schedule (FRE 70 + 1000) | 1004SFR1007 |
1007 – Rent Schedule (standalone) (FRE 1000) | 1007RS |
1025 – Multi-Family (2-4 Units) (FRE 72) | 1025MF |
1073 – Condominium (FRE 465) | 1073Condo |
1073 – Condominium w/ 1007 Rent Schedule (FRE 465 + 1000) | 1073Condo1007 |
1004 Hybrid – Single Family (FRE 70H) | 1004Hybrid |
1004 Desktop – Single Family (FRE 70D) | 1004Desktop |
1004C – Manufactured Home (FRE 70B) | 1004C-MH |
Appraisal Update / Completion Report (FRE 442) | 1004D |
1075 – Exterior-Only Inspection Indvidual Condo Unit Appraisal Report (FRE 466) | 1075Ext |
2000 – One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review (FRE 1032) | 2000SF |
2055 – Exterior-Only Inspection Residential Appraisal Report | 2055SF |
2000A – 2-4 Units Residential Appraisal Field Review (FRE 1072) | 2000A |
2006 – Desk Review | 2006Desk |
2090 – Individual Cooperative Interest Appraisal Report | 2090Coop |
2095 – Exterior-Only Individual Cooporative Interest Appraisal Report | 2095Coop |
Evaluation | Evaluation |
Property Data Report | PDR |
Broker Price Opinion | BPO |
PropertyType Allowed Values
Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding propertyType in csv
Allowed Value in CSV |
Residential |
Commercial |
Industrial |
Land |
PropertySubType Allowed Values
Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding propertySubType in csv
PropertySubType | Allowed Value in CSV |
Single Family Residence | SFR |
Townhome | TH |
Condominium | Condo |
Manufactured Home | MfgHome |
2-4 Family | 2To4Family |
InspectionType Allowed Values
Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding inspectionType in csv
InspectionType | Allowed Value in CSV |
Exterior Only | ExteriorOnly |
Exterior and Interior | ExteriorInterior |
Floor Plan Only | FloorPlanOnly |
Drive By | DriveBy |
None | None |
TransactionType Allowed Values
Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding transactionType in csv
Allowed Values in CSV |
Purchase |
Refinance |
Loan Product Allowed Values
Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding loanProduct in csvAllowed Values in CSV |
PrimaryMortgage |
HELoan |
Other |
PaymentOption Allowed Values
Please provide Allowed Value for the corresponding paymentOption in csv
paymentOption | Allowed Value in CSV |
Lender Pays | LenderPays |
Borrower Pays Now | BorrowerPaysNow |
Borrower Pays at Closing | BorrowerPaysAtClosing |
Split Payment – Lender + Borrower | SplitPayment |
No Fee is Applicable | NotApplicable |