is loaded with features to increase your productivity.
Accurate & Compliant
One Search
350+ curated data points for every address in the country. brings all the listing data, public records, and insights into a single and simple interface
One Score
Appraisal Complexity Score using high quality data & analytics
One Score helps you understand the property and appraisal effort before you begin
One Vision
Image Labeling warns you about missing photos in an appraisal.
Deep Learning based image recognition automates your image labeling and ordering
Power your appraisals with:
Flexible Value Adjustments
Automated Market Conditions
Flip Sale Identification
Customize: White label and SSO friendly for AMCs and Lenders
Maintain and expand your brand. Leverage the best in technology to grow your business.
Completely Online - Access from Anywhere, Anytime
Never have to deal with having the wrong software version
Get the latest features automatically – no updates required
Work from any computer – home, office, or on the road
Intuitive User Interface
Interactive Maps | Multiple Comparable Views
Built In Google Street View / Aerial Maps | Edit any field anywhere in the app & auto-generate adjustments